Step 1 - Lodge your claim form WITHIN 28 DAYS OF THE INJURY and provide as much information as possible. 

Step 2 - Insurer will assess your claim, issue your claim number & outline policy coverage benefits and limitations

Schedule of Benefits

Weekly Benefits

Loss of Earnings ..................................... $210 Per Week or 75 % whichever is lesser. Maximum 10 days claimable

Additional Benefits

1. Non Medicare Medical Costs (Out of pocket expense) ........................ 50% to maximum $599

Excess $25

Physiotherapy Benefits

Visits 1 - 5....... 95% to maximum $599 (Out of pocket expense)

Visits 6- 10....... 80% to maximum $599 (Out of pocket expense)

All Other Visits....... 75% to maximum $599 (Out of pocket expense)

Note: Out of pocket expense is the amount you have paid personally (After Medicare and your own personal health insurance has been deducted).